AIPNEE is a regional platform for solidarity and support for indigenous communities affected by State and corporate projects implemented in their teritories. Duly registered as non-stock and non-profit association with SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission). It is linked with the Indigenous Peoples Global Network on the Extractive Industries.

AIPNEE is a regional platform for solidarity and support for indigenous communities affected by State and corporate projects implemented in their teritories. Duly registered as non-stock and non-profit association with SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission). It is linked with the Indigenous Peoples Global Network on the Extractive Industries.
Offshore Wind Energy Projects in South India: Indigenous Coastal Communities Left in Dark
The Government of India has begun implementing plans to install 450 wind turbines in the ecologically rich Gulf of Mannar region in Tamil Nadu in the south of the country. In February 2024, the Government invited bids for the development of 4 GW (in four blocks of...
Indigenous Peoples voice concerns on the revised Environmental and Social Framework of the Asian Development Bank
“Without strong safeguards, ADB-financed projects will continue to adversely impact Indigenous Peoples lands, livelihoods, and ways of life” The Indigenous Peoples Advisory Group (IPAG) issued a statement urging the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to strengthen...
Open letter to the Government of Indonesia, Perusuhaan Listrik Nasional (PT PLN), and KfW Development Bank
Urgent Concern regarding Human Rights Violations of the Pocoleok Indigenous Community for expansion of Ulumbu Geothermal Power Plant We, the undersigned organizations – Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara (AMAN), and Perhimpunan Pembela Masyarakat Adat...
Joint Statement: 6th United Nations Responsible Business and Human Rights Forum, Asia-Pacific
Asia-Pacific Indigenous Peoples CaucusJoint Statement6th United Nations Responsible Business and Human Rights Forum, Asia-Pacific25 – 27th September 2024 We, the Indigenous Peoples participating in the 6th United Nations Responsible Business and Human Rights...
Indigenous Women and Youth Call for Urgent Actions for Just Energy Transition
PRESS RELEASE Thirty Indigenous women and youth representatives from nine countries across Asia gathered at the Regional Conference on a Just and Sustainable Energy Transition held from September 20- 22, 2024. The representatives discussed the challenges they face...
Indigenous Peoples’ Rights at Risk: ICMM’s Position Statement Falls Short on Free, Prior, and Informed Consent
Public statement on adoption of the Indigenous Peoples & Mining Position Statement of the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM)
Asia Indigenous Peoples Network on Extractive Industries and Energy (AIPNEE) and Right Energy Partnership with Indigenous Peoples (REP) strongly denounce the Indigenous Peoples and Mining Position Statement of the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) adopted on 8 August 2024.